Lake County, CA December 2021:
As we approach the end of a year of lockdowns, mask mandates and often-coerced injections — many of which consist of an experimental mRNA gene therapy — the nearby City of Oroville in Northern California has become an independent sanctuary from COVID-19 mandates.
On November 2nd, 2021, the city council of Oroville voted 6-1 in favor of a resolution
that established the city as a constitutional republic. The measure was intended to protect the city’s inhabitants’ individual rights and freedoms from federal and state unconstitutional mandates related to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
With this resolution, Oroville declared that it would not enforce or comply with “any executive orders issued by the state of California or by the United States federal government that are overreaching or clearly violate our constitutionally protected rights.”
In passing this resolution, Oroville stood up against the massive government overreach that the threatened COVID-19 medical mandates represent. Oroville has also taken action to deter future mandates and executive orders. Lake County needs to take a similar approach to avoid the encroachment of medical tyranny closer to home.
Oroville Responds to Federal and State Medical Mandate Threats
This action was taken by Oroville community leaders in response to threats by state and federal officials to impose medical mandates that would affect the community.
To start with, California Governor Gavin Newsom’s executive order had extended the extraordinary powers of his March 4th, 2020 COVID-19 emergency proclamation until March 31, 2022. Furthermore, U.S. President Joe Biden’s vaccine or testing “mandate” in response to COVID-19 was threatened in a September 2021 press release. It was ultimately released as an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) on Vaccines and Testing by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) on November 5th. This medical mandate was due to go into effect on January 4th, 2022, but it has since been stayed due to legal opposition.
Oroville Sides With the U.S. Constitution
Keep in mind that Oroville’s resolution voices its city council’s opposition to unconstitutional mandates and executive orders, not laws. Because these mandates are not laws, the city of Oroville is choosing to not follow any unconstitutional, and hence unlawful, mandates and/or executive orders.
Oroville city councilman Dave Pittman said that “We stand by and believe in our constitution, our republic, and we believe that many times others in state and federal government are exceeding their authority across the board in everything we do.” Pittman continued by saying, “Mandates eliminate personal right of choice — to get vaccinated or not, to vaccinate your kids or not — and violate basic constitutional choice we all have.” Lake County’s Elected Officials Have Not Done Their Job
Despite the successful legal challenges the increasingly unpopular OSHA ETS or mandate has attracted since its official release in November, authorities and many businesses in Lake County still plan on enforcing it. This is occurring despite what many consider to be the mandate’s unconstitutionality and clear government overreach into the medical choices of individuals. In Lake County, we have a Board of Supervisors (BOS) consisting of elected officials who have taken an oath of office to represent the interests of their constituents, as well as to protect and defend the U.S. and state constitutions against all enemies foreign and domestic. The BOS also recites the Pledge of Allegiance before all of their meetings on Tuesdays.
In the past, the Lake County BOS has generally sided with these unconstitutional state and federal mandates. Lake County has even received considerable funding from federal and state governments to continue promoting these unconstitutional and onerous medical mandates on the people of Lake County.
The people of Lake County must insist that these elected representatives pursue our best interests and protect our freedoms. The BOS should also be held personally financially liable for any harm that the ill-advised mandates they promote and support may cause. These include adverse vaccine events, including deaths; the loss of employment or business income; and any other negative consequences people have directly suffered due to the unconstitutional mandates. Health Officials Have Misled the Public of Lake County
Furthermore, paid medical establishment representatives have been given the floor at official public BOS meetings in Lake County to express their highly debatable opinions at length on the topic of COVID-19 and vaccines without citing any scientific evidence or allowing themselves to be meaningfully questioned by the public. One of these individuals even went so far as to misleadingly refer to the experimental mRNA gene therapy jabs as “a superb vaccine”. According to the traditional definition, a vaccine must immunize recipients against acquiring an infection. The new type of gene therapy used in the mRNA COVID vaccines obviously does not act as a vaccine in the traditional sense since breakthrough COVID cases are so very prevalent among the vaccinated, accounting for around 30% of new cases. As far as safety is concerned, the COVID injections have accrued a slew of adverse side effects that have been reported to the CDC’s official VAERS database, including almost 20,000 vaccine-related deaths in the US alone. This makes the COVID injections over 850 times more deadly than the previous record-holder for the deadliest vaccine in history (the smallpox vaccine). Please Sign the Lake County Medical Freedom Petition If you are concerned about medical tyranny rearing its ugly head in Lake County in response to COVID-19 and wish to do something meaningful to oppose it, then please take a moment to sign and share this official Medical Freedom petition on Social Media now to take a clear stand for medical freedom in Lake County.