Basic human rights have been established and codified by international treaties that precede and override any national, state, county, city or local laws and ordinances. Actions taken by governments or individuals contrary to these basic rights are considered “crimes against humanity”. Compulsory vaccination and medical mandates stand in direct violation of basic human rights as laid out in these international standards:
1) The Nuremberg Code. See here. 2) UNESCO's Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (Article 6). 3) The UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Article 7).
4) The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 3).
Compulsory vaccination and medical mandates are therefore crimes against humanity and should be prosecuted as such.
Medical Mandates and Compulsory Vaccination are Illegal and Unethical
The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights states in Article 6 that: "Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information." This means medical mandates of any type are both illegal and unethical since they attempt to override a person's right to provide their fully informed and free prior consent to a medical procedure. With respect to compulsory vaccination, it is:
Unethical for medical practitioners to engage in, according to the World Medical Association (WMA)'s International Code of Medical Ethics, which states that: "A physician shall: respect a competent patient’s right to accept or refuse treatment."
Against the General Pharmaceutical Council's policy on consent, which states in Section 1.2 that: "People have a basic right to be involved in decisions about their healthcare. Obtaining consent is a fundamental part of respecting a person’s rights." It also states in Section 1.4 that: “Pharmacy professionals have a professional and legal duty to get a person’s consent for the professional services, treatment or care they provide, and for using a person’s information."
A breach of the Medical Protection Society guidelines, which say this about consent: "Respect for patients’ autonomy is expressed in consent law; to impose care or treatment on people without respecting their wishes and right to self-determination is not only unethical but illegal."
Contrary to the UK government's principles of consent for immunization, which state: "For consent to immunization to be valid, it must be given freely, voluntarily and without coercion by an appropriately informed person." Also, “It is a legal and ethical principle that valid consent must be obtained before starting personal care, treatment, or investigations. This reflects the rights of individuals to decide what happens to their own bodies” and that “consent is a fundamental principle of good healthcare and professional practice."
Compulsory vaccination is therefore unethical and illegal for governments to attempt to mandate or enforce and for medical professionals to engage in.
Testing COVID Drugs or Vaccines on Humans Without Consent is Unethical All of the COVID-19 vaccines are of recent invention and should therefore be considered experimental until long-term human clinical and even multi-generational trials have been completed, notwithstanding any approvals given by the FDA or other government agencies. Furthermore, any drugs used or developed to treat or prevent COVID-19 should also be considered experimental. The testing on human subjects of an experimental vaccine or drug without their fully informed consent is unethical, according to the World Medical Association's Declaration of Helsinki (Articles 25-30). Any physician must also fully inform their patient about the aspects of their care that are related to research being done on vaccines, experimental drugs or treatments.
Furthermore, Article 31 of that Declaration states that the refusal of a patient to participate in such research should never adversely affect the patient-physician relationship. This means your physician cannot make vaccination a compulsory condition of your continued treatment by them. Sign the Medical Freedom Petition to Oppose Unethical Mandates in Lake County If you are concerned about medical mandates being imposed in Lake County in response to COVID-19 and wish to do something meaningful to oppose such measures, then please take a moment to sign and share this important Medical Freedom petition on Social Media now to take a clear stand for medical freedom in Lake County.